[Ubuntu Phone] File system and security

Pat McGowan pat.mcgowan at canonical.com
Wed Dec 4 16:18:16 UTC 2013

On 10/03/2013 12:53 AM, Roman Shchekin wrote:
> Good day to everyone who reads this message!

Thanks for your feedback and contributions thus far....
> I am a Core App Developer (Shorts team) and author of YaD (unofficial
> Yandex.Disk
> cloud storage client). My app consists of qml part and C++ pluginWhen
> I ported my app 
> from MeeGo to Ubuntu Phone (UP), I've met two big problems, here them are:
> 1. My app can't discover device's file system. Only core app file
> manager have such
> permission. But I can't imagine cloud storage client without ability
> to download files.
> There are no standard "File open dialog", so I can't upload file from
> device to storage too.
> I think that it's to strong limitation. No one can create 3rd party
> file manager then, am I right?
> Linux - world of alternatives, everyone can choose all what he wants!
> You should introduce special permission, like "file_system" and so on.
> User can agree or disagree
> to use app with such permissions!
The content hub is intended to handle most such interactions for upload
and download of files and then putting them somewhere they can be used
by an appropriate app. Not sure about the specific requirements in your
cloud storage case but I assume we can find a way to support them.

Having said that, we do allow access to files, I assume you are familiar
> 2. I can't use QSettings. Guys, U1DB is less powerful alternative. In
> my world QSettings are still
> the best way to store settings on different platforms. If I'll use
> U1DB my app will be more and 
> more adopted to Ubuntu Phone and less crossplatform. It's not Qt way.
My understanding is that Digia has deprecated QSettings upstream and its
not well maintained. There is a new API in the works (QConfig) and we
will track that development as best we can if it comes to fruition. If
you have specific requirements not handled would be good to voice them
for consideration.
> And summary - Qt Quick is just GUI creation technology, main idea was
> to use it for UI and 
> simple logic, while perfect working C++ Library (Qt) doing all hard
> job. And you now want
> to waste all device's processor performance (4 core!!!) and memory in
> QML via hard limitation of C++ usage. 
> Via QML-only programmers can create toys, but not cool and powerful apps. 
> I encourage you to stop limitations of C++ usage.
We are working very hard to enable full C++ usage including cross
compilation, there is no intention to limit it. It will become much
better supported in the near term. We continue to encourage the use of
QML only apps where it makes sense.

> Best regards, 
> Roman.

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