Edubuntu Council Elected

Jane Weideman janew at
Wed May 3 20:03:29 BST 2006

We are pleased to announce that during today's weekly Edubuntu meeting
the Edubuntu Council (EC) was officially appointed [1].

It was decided to elect 5 members to this council, with a quorum of 3.
The EC will run similarly to the Ubuntu Community Council [2], and will
endeavor to uphold the Ubuntu community governance aims which:
     1. ensure that a process is defined that allows people to
        contribute to decisions regarding the Ubuntu community and
     2. ensure that decisions regarding the Ubuntu distribution and
        community are taken in a fair and transparent fashion, 
     3. ensure that necessary decisions are actually taken, even when
        there is no clear consensus amongst the community;

as they pertain to Edubuntu.
The EC will therefore facilitate decisions on issues relating to the
Edubuntu community, as well as deciding on new Edubuntu members - who
will also automatically be granted an Ubuntu member status when becoming
an Edubuntu member (Note that 3 quorum council votes are required for
approval as a member). 
The EC as elected is:

      * Oliver Garwert - ogra 
      * Jane Weideman - JaneW 
      * Jerome Jotangco - jsgotangco 
      * Jonathan Cater - highvoltage 
      * Jordan Mantha - LaserJock

It was discussed and agreed that EC members will serve for the span of 2
releases (generally 1 year), after which time new EC members will be
elected. EC Members may be elected successively.

Candidates wishing to be considered for Edubuntu Membership should add
themselves to the Agenda [3]. Please be sure to read the New Member How
To [4] page to see what is required, before nominating yourself as a
Edubuntu Member candidate.


Today the newly elected EC didn't waste any time, and the first Edubuntu
member:- Pete Savage - cbx33, has been approved. Thanks and
congratulations from the EC to Pete, who has already proved to be a very
worthy member of the team!


It has been decided that as this community is still small, it is
adequate for this council to meet once a month. 

The EC will meet to discuss new members, and other business at hand, on
the first Wednesday of each month, at the start of the Edubuntu meeting.
Should it become necessary, we will split the EC meetings off to into
separate meeting. 

The Edubuntu Meeting meets weekly on Wednesdays at 12:00UTC and 20:00UTC
alternating to accommodate Ed/Ubuntero's living in various timezones..
The next EC meeting will therefore be on 7 June 2006 at 20:00UTC.


Jane Weideman
mobile: +27 83 779 7800
Canonical Ltd.

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