Announcing Ubuntu 5.10RC (Release Candidate)

Matt Zimmerman mdz at
Thu Oct 6 05:41:20 CDT 2005

With just one more week to go before the final release of Ubuntu 5.10,
the Ubuntu team is proud to announce the Ubuntu 5.10 Release Candidate.
This is the final milestone before the official 5.10 release, and
includes installation CDs, live CDs, and combination DVDs for three

Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for your desktop or server, with a 
fast and easy install, regular releases, a tight selection of 
excellent packages installed by default, every other package you can
imagine available from the network, a commitment to security updates 
for 18 months after each release and professional technical support 
from many companies around the world.

To Get Ubuntu 5.10RC

Download Ubuntu 5.10RC here (choose the mirror closest to you):

  United States:


  United Kingdom:

  Rest of the World:

Note: these release candidate CD images are larger than 650 megabytes, and
require CD media with sufficient capacity.

Please download using Bittorrent if possible.

The final version of Ubuntu 5.10 will be released on October 13th.
At that time, we will mail pressed CDs free of charge. To 
receive a complimentary copy of the Official Breezy Badger CD -- or
a handful of them to give to your friends, your school or LUG -- 
place your request at the URL below. Remember that these CDs won't 
ship until after the final release.

About Ubuntu 5.10RC

To see it all, you'll need to try the CD, but the highlights 

 On the Desktop

  * GNOME 2.12.1
  * 2.0 beta 2
  * 6.8.2 with wider hardware support
  * An enhanced tool for easily installing new applications 
    (see "Add Applications" on the Applications menu)
  * A new tool which makes it easy to install support for 
    multiple languages (Language Selector)
  * Editable GNOME menus
  * Applications are now linked into the Launchpad infrastructure 
    (new entries on the Help menus for translation and support)
  * Support for writing audio CDs (Serpentine)
  * Graphical startup process with progress bar (USplash)
  * New documentation (Ubuntu 5.10 Quick Tour and Ubuntu 5.10 FAQ Guide)
  * Language packs with updates from the Rosetta translation platform,
    which makes contributing translations easy for everybody

 On the Server

  * Plone 2.1 & Zope 2.8.1
  * PHP5
  * Support for automatic storage allocation into LVM volumes
  * Built-in thin client functionality produced in cooperation
    with the LTSP project (
  * Simple NFS root setup with automatic hardware detection 
    through initramfs-tools
  * Support for up to 4 gigabytes of RAM by default on 32-bit 
  * Kernel support for cluster filesystems (OCFS2 and GFS)

 Hardware Support Improvements

  * Linux with many updated drivers from third parties
  * Further enhancements to laptop support (hot keys, 
    and working suspend/resume on more models)
  * HP all-in-one printer/scanner devices are supported out of 
    the box
  * Bluetooth input devices (such as keyboards and mice) are 
    supported out of the box
  * Multiple audio devices are handled more gracefully (and one 
    can easily select the default device)
  * 64-bit PowerPC kernel available


  * A new OEM mode to simplify the process of preinstalling 
    Ubuntu on computers for resale or redistribution
  * Automatically makes existing hard drive partitions available 
    to the desktop
  * Simple "dual boot" configuration with automatic resizing of 
    an existing installed OS
  * The second stage of the installation now has a progress bar

 "Under the hood"

  * GCC 4.0.1
  * glibc 2.3.5
  * New early userspace infrastructure based on initramfs-tools
  * More modular packaging
  * Python 2.4.2

As always, Ubuntu includes the very best of the 100% free/libre 
application software world, and each new release incorporates 
countless new features and bugfixes from the global development 

Feedback and Helping

If you would like to help shape Ubuntu, take a look at the list of 
ways you can participate at

Your comments, bug reports, patches and suggestions will help ensure
that Ubuntu 5.10 is the best release of Ubuntu ever.  Please report 
bugs through Bugzilla:

If you have a question, or if you think you may have found a bug but 
aren't sure, first try asking on the #ubuntu IRC channel on Freenode, 
on the Ubuntu Users mailing list, or on the Ubuntu forums:

More Information

You can find out more about Ubuntu on our website, IRC channel and wiki.
If you're new to Ubuntu, please visit:

To sign up for future Ubuntu announcements, please subscribe to Ubuntu's 
very low volume announcement list at:

 - mdz
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