[Ubuntu-AE] thank you

Zulfiqar Ali Khan zulfiqar at hablconsultancy.com
Sun Nov 4 19:00:51 UTC 2012

What a wonderful evening. Its a pleasure when working with such an 
enthusiastic team. The highlight of the evening was appointing our media 
manager, Mansoor Mughal. I am sure we will benefit a lot from his input 
and he is the perfect PR and media consultant.

Once again thank you for a wonderful evening and taking out time for the 
Open Source cause. In a few days the website and the social media 
platform will be updated.

Astonishing, astounding, breathtaking, colossal, dynamite, enormous work 
done today :)
Habl Consultancy FZCO Regards

Zulfiqar Ali Khan
Core Team
UAE Ubuntu Loco
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