CAVI course offerings this semester

Rob Whyte fudge at
Sun Jan 31 08:26:50 UTC 2021

Cisco Academy for Vision Impaired.
Courses being offering from February 15th 2021 are:
Lua Essentials - new
Linux Essentials - archived course
Python Essentials - archived course
IT Essentials V7.0 - archived course
Screen Reader Essentials - archived course
These courses will have fees attached of $100 USD per course offering.
Fees can be waived based on financial hardship and on a case-by-case basis.
If you would like to participate, could you please send and email to
neil.hines at
Include the course you'd like to participate in, your full name, date of
birth, country of origin and where you heard about us.
For more information email Neil as per above email, or rob at
Please share around any interested parties or organisations
Thank you

Warm regards Rob Whyte JAWS certified 2018
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