Ubuntu-Mate as Gest OS

Al Puzzuoli alpuzz at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 19:51:35 UTC 2020

Awesome. Glad it worked!

Note, sometimes, the option will revert after a Windows or driver update. 

Take care,




From: Glenn K0LNY <glennervin at cableone.net> 
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 2:35 PM
To: Al Puzzuoli <alpuzz at gmail.com>
Cc: Ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Ubuntu-Mate as Gest OS


Yep, that fixed it!

I had to enter on show disabled devices, and I went into the properties and
enabled it.



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Al Puzzuoli <mailto:alpuzz at gmail.com>  

To: 'Glenn K0LNY' <mailto:GlennErvin at cableone.net>  

Sent: Friday, September 04, 2020 1:24 PM

Subject: RE: Ubuntu-Mate as Gest OS


Hi Glenn,

Sometimes, the Stereo Mix device is hidden by default. Try right clicking
where it says 0 items. There might be an option to show hidden devices. If
that doesn't work, then I'm stumped.




From: Glenn K0LNY <glennervin at cableone.net <mailto:glennervin at cableone.net>
Sent: Friday, September 4, 2020 2:11 PM
To: Al Puzzuoli <alpuzz at gmail.com <mailto:alpuzz at gmail.com> >
Subject: Re: Ubuntu-Mate as Gest OS


Hi Al,


There was nothing listed in the recording list  for me to choose from.

It said zero items.

Thanks though.


----- Original Message ----- 

From: Al Puzzuoli <mailto:alpuzz at gmail.com>  

To: 'Glenn K0LNY' <mailto:GlennErvin at cableone.net>  ;
Ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
<mailto:Ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com>  

Sent: Friday, September 04, 2020 8:12 AM

Subject: RE: Ubuntu-Mate as Gest OS



Not sure if this applies to Windows 7, but on some Windows 10 machines, you
have to do the following to get audio to work in vMWare..

1.	Open Control Panel 
2.	Select Sound 
3.	In the dialog that appears, switch to the Recording tab. 
4.	Tab into the list of devices. 
5.	Arrow through the device list, see if you find a device called
Stereo Mix. 
6.	If you have Stereo Mix, right click it and select Enable.

Hope this helps,




From: Ubuntu-accessibility <ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com>
On Behalf Of Glenn K0LNY
Sent: Thursday, September 3, 2020 11:44 PM
To: Ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Ubuntu-Mate as Gest OS


Hi All,

I'm running windows 7 64, on a computer with 8 GB of RAM.

I installed VmWare 15X and then installed Ubuntu 16.043 into VmWare.

I gave that 3 GB of RAM.

I get no audio, or it is not working at all.

I tried Ubuntu 18.043 as well.

According to the keyboard commands I found for VmWare, after I power on the
Ubuntu, I do control G to enter commands in the virtual Ubuntu, and control
+ alt allows me to do other tasks in the native Windows.

These Ubuntu images work on this computer on a live boot of Ubuntu-mate,
same images.

Could it be this version of VmWare?

Is there something that would work better than VmWare?

Thanks for any assistance.



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