Ubuntu-Mate accessibility probably compromised

Pawel L. pawel at mail.lobap.ca
Thu Jun 4 16:17:46 UTC 2020

I am talking about ubuntu-mate 20.04 installation. You're telling me to 
press F5 or F4, at what time then one should do it without seeing the 
Their instructions say to wait a while and press the Super key with letter 
S to start ORCA and carry on with the trial or installation of ubuntu.
It worked with no problem with previous release so why not now.

I got over to my place an 11-year-old sighted kid to do it for me.
However, he was doing this first time in his life, he managed to install 
ubutnu with not much trouble.

Why do a blind person have to be a magician to perform something what any
sighted person can do with no problem.
On Thu, 4 Jun 2020, Fernando Botelho wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion. It will help with newer machines.
> Fernando
> On 6/4/20 12:40 PM, Werwoelfchen wrote:
>> Hi, No, i even wrote to the Orca list, they said to press F5 but id did 
>> not work and than I toke a normal Ubuntu and installed a Mate Desktop 
>> besides the Gnome. I think this is the only solution in the moment.
>> Greetings,
>> Wolfram
>> Pawel L. schrieb:
>>> Hello,
>>> Recently I tried to install Ubuntu-mate desktop 20.04 on my Lenovo M83 
>>> system.
>>> Unfortunately, I was unable to go ahead with anything beyond ORCA 
>>> activation at the installation screen. There was no way to bring the 
>>> focus on any option such as 'try ubuntu' nor 'instal ubuntu'.
>>> I had no such problems with Ubuntu-mate 19.10 installation.
>>> Any tips/suggestion on how to over come this, please?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Pawel
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