Ubuntu-Mate accessibility probably compromised

Werwoelfchen ddf051.wolf at googlemail.com
Thu Jun 4 15:40:14 UTC 2020

Hi, No, i even wrote to the Orca list, they said to press F5 but id did 
not work and than I toke a normal Ubuntu and installed a Mate Desktop 
besides the Gnome. I think this is the only solution in the moment.

Pawel L. schrieb:
> Hello,
> Recently I tried to install Ubuntu-mate desktop 20.04 on my Lenovo M83 
> system.
> Unfortunately, I was unable to go ahead with anything beyond ORCA 
> activation at the installation screen. There was no way to bring the 
> focus on any option such as 'try ubuntu' nor 'instal ubuntu'.
> I had no such problems with Ubuntu-mate 19.10 installation.
> Any tips/suggestion on how to over come this, please?
> Thanks,
> Pawel

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