Accessibility for person with a motor disability

Mats L m.lundalv at
Tue Mar 20 17:31:03 UTC 2018

> Is onboard not the continuation of GOK?
> Samuel

Both Onboard and Caribou were intended as replacements of GOK, but are not
GOK was an ambitious effort to provide tailorable access for individuals
with major motor difficulties, including need for single and double switch
input. But it was not a very suitable option for a wider group of users
with a need for a more basic on-screen keyboard for use with direct point
and click or touch selection.

Onboard and Caribou are more of that later kind, but lack features for the
previous kind of user needs.

So there we are, lacking an on-screen text input, communication and
computer control tool covering the full range of needs reasonably well, or
a couple of alternatives covering the full range of needs (including users
who are not fluent readers and writers).

Dasher is indeed a very interesting text generation tool for some users,
but again, not for all. I haven't properly tested Dasher in GNU/Linux
environments. On Windows there is a setting in Dasher where you select
whether text shall be sent to Dasher's own text field (with options to copy
and paste it into a target app), or whether it shall be sent directly to
the current active target app. I a not clear about if and/or to what degree
this is supported on various Linux distributions.
Anybody ?

/ Mats

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