trouble booting Ubuntu

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at
Sun Mar 5 05:01:00 UTC 2017

My guess is, it wants you to key in root password so you can then run 
e2fsck and repair the system.  What ubuntu accessibility is like when 
this happens I do not know.

On Sat, 4 Mar 2017, Glenn At Home wrote:

> Date: Sat, 4 Mar 2017 13:29:50
> From: Glenn At Home <GErvin at>
> To: Ubuntu-accessibility at
> Subject: trouble booting Ubuntu
> Hi,
> I have Ubuntu in an external disk drive, I took the HD from my laptop and put in a larger drive, and for setting things up, I was able to boot to my old HD in the external drive via cable, and use the old install of Ubuntu.
> But the cord got unplugged during boot up and now it looks like a DOS terminal window, I cannot read the stuff on the screen, but I'm guessing that the prompt at the cursor reads boot:
> My question is,
> How does one get a failed Ubuntu to boot up in such a situation?
> Is it working at that prompt, and will it eventually boot up?
> I'm pretty sure there's no grub window, but there should be, but if there is, how many arrow downs is it on the GRUB menu to repair it?
> Thanks.
> Lenny/Glenn/N0YJV
> "Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances."
> Benjamin Franklin

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