Ubuntu 16.04 upper panel for applications

B. Henry burt1iband at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 23:51:48 UTC 2017

You get the launcher with alt f1, i.e. no full aps menu is there.
There are ways you can get categorized aps menus, e.g. some file managers allow you  to display them, but you'll need to change freom default settings. 
Pcmanfm is the one that worked well for me on Ubuntu as I recall, but I  can't remember if I enabled apps  in pcmanfm on 16.04.
I wrote a little script that creates categorized aps menus with a few extras, check the Vinux support googlegroup for more info. I think I also posted 
to the orca list about this. 
The other alternative that comes to minid is the classic menu indicator, but I hate it these days, well the last version I tried anyway as aps show up 
in as many as 3 or 4 categories, and thus the clutter is terrible. 
You or your friend really want the menus like are in mate. Unity does not have these. My app is the best alternative I think, has shutdown and reboot 
options also as well as a menu item to shutdown most popular graphical desktops and a monitor toggle as well so you can get privacy and or save on 
battery when using a laptop.

   Registerd Linux User 521886

  Glenn / Lenny wrote:
Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 05:35:48PM -0600

>    Hi,
>    I installed Ubuntu 16.04 on a friend's computer, and if I do alt + F1, I
>    get some limited applications, but the best ones for him would be the list
>    with the three menus, applications, system, and places.
>    I get the Unity panel when I press the super key, but that is not a lot of
>    help.
>    I tried typing in panels there, but did not get anything helpful.
>    Is there another desktop to install, or how can I tweak this to be more
>    user friendly?
>    Thanks

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