Alt+ Super+S Not working on Most Versions of Live CD

Milton milton at
Fri Nov 4 16:00:56 UTC 2016


I cannot confirm because I already did several installation with 16.04.1 
and Orca.

Op 04-11-16 om 16:08 schreef Al Puzzuoli:
> Hello,
> I'm finding that I am unable to  start Orca on most versions of the
> Ubuntu Live CD. After I hear the Tom Tom sound, I press alt+super+S, and
> nothing happens. This has been the case on almost all versions of the
> live CD I have tried, except for Ubuntu Mate 16.10. I've tried Regular
> Ubuntu 16.10, Regular Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu Gnome 16.04, all of which
> have had the same issue. I also just tried several flavors of the Zesty
> live CD, and experienced the same problem. Questions:
> Is this a known issue? If not, should I file a bug? If I do need to file
> a bug, where should I file it? The issue doesn't seem to be limited to
> any  single release. Meanwhile, are there any workarounds I can use to
> get the screen reader going for now?
> Thanks,
> Al

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