Ubuntu 16.04 with Ubuntu Mate is it possible?
milton at tomaatnet.nl
Fri May 6 17:35:48 UTC 2016
Oh yes it is indeed there. I was looking for another menu because my
system is not in English.
Op 06-05-16 om 14:18 schreef Christopher Chaltain:
> I haven't been following this thread, so I'm not sure if this will be
> helpful or not, but use alt+f1 and then left arrow and down arrow to get
> to the admin and other menus.
> On 06/05/16 02:07, Milton wrote:
>> I cannot find any admin menu. So I let a sighted person help to connect
>> with wifi.
>> Milton
>> Op 05-05-16 om 20:54 schreef Jude DaShiell:
>>> If you did that in a user account you won't have access. This is a root
>>> operation. You'll also have to have a graphical user interface up in
>>> root for that to work. Another possibility as root in graphical user
>>> interface is to hit alt-f1 then downarrow to system then rightarrow into
>>> that menu. There should be an admin menu in system so rightarrow into
>>> admin then downarrow onto no network is connected then hit enter. You'll
>>> get a list of networks Ubuntu found so downarrow to your network then
>>> rightarrow onto the add network button and hit enter. You'll get
>>> prompted for a password so enter that, then rightarrow onto connect and
>>> hit enter. If I remember all of the mapping of ubuntu I shared with you
>>> here in this message correctly you should get connected.
>>> On Thu, 5 May 2016, Milton wrote:
>>>> Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 13:40:45
>>>> From: Milton <milton at tomaatnet.nl>
>>>> To: Jude DaShiell <jdashiel at panix.com>,
>>>> "ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com"
>>>> <ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: Ubuntu 16.04 with Ubuntu Mate is it possible?
>>>> I did but Orca says nothing while hitting left arrow. I use a laptop,
>>>> does it make any sense?
>>>> Milton
>>>> Op 05-05-16 om 15:46 schreef Jude DaShiell:
>>>>> Try control-shift-tab then hit leftarrow a few times and see what
>>>>> happens.
>>>>> On Thu, 5 May 2016, Milton wrote:
>>>>>> Date: Thu, 5 May 2016 09:30:58
>>>>>> From: Milton <milton at tomaatnet.nl>
>>>>>> To: "ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com"
>>>>>> <ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com>
>>>>>> Subject: Re: Ubuntu 16.04 with Ubuntu Mate is it possible?
>>>>>> I found an answer to my question. After I followed the instructions
>>>>>> on:
>>>>>> https://websetnet.com/nl/install-mate-desktop-environment-ubuntu-1604-ubuntu-1510/
>>>>>> I did not notice any changes. So I did:
>>>>>> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-mate-core ubuntu-mate-desktop
>>>>>> and then I found in the session menu Mate. I login with Mate and have
>>>>>> Orca running. I cannot access the applet menubar in the upper right
>>>>>> corner of the screen to connect with wifi.
>>>>>> I can get to the botom bar with Control+Alt_Escape.
>>>>>> Alt+F1 takes me to the upperleft with applications, Location and
>>>>>> System.
>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>> Milton
>>>>>> Op 05-05-16 om 10:41 schreef Milton:
>>>>>>> Hi List,
>>>>>>> Is it possible to have Ubuntu Mate in Ubuntu 16.04 such as GNOME
>>>>>>> Metacity? If yes, how can I do this?
>>>>>>> I installed GNOME Metacity with:
>>>>>>> sudo apt-get install gnome-session-flashback
>>>>>>> and press the session button before login to choose for GNOME
>>>>>>> Metacity.
>>>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>>>> Milton
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