
Christopher Chaltain chaltain at
Thu Mar 17 14:48:04 UTC 2016

If you're running Vinux 5, you don't need to install Gnome. You can just 
go into options on the log on screen and choose between Mate, Unity and 

Also, if you're running Unity, you shouldn't have any trouble running Gnome.

Chromium may not work well with Orca, but I use Chrome with ChromeVox 
all of the time.

I run Thunderbird with Gnome, and I don't have these issues.

On 17/03/16 09:18, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> I have vinux5 installed which runs unity and found out thunderbird and
> unity don't like each other very much.  I was able to enter my gmail
> credentials and get to the inbox using I think it was shift-f10 inside
> of thunderbird but haven't got email down for reading yet.  I may have
> to install gnome but with only a gig of ram on my athelon X86_64 gnome
> will probably crash the computer.  Inside mate to get to a terminal you
> want to run mate-terminal since that runs faster than gnome-terminal.
> The mate-terminal also works under unity.  Firefox works pretty well
> from my limited use of it so far.  The chromium app isn't accessible for
> orca at all and isn't worth messing with for now at least.  Emacs is
> available and probably very accessible as a work environment which
> should help cover any of libreoffice's shortcomings.  Thunderbird is
> easily crashed over here, but then again I'm a touch typist and have
> little tollerance for keyboard latency unless I get some kind of audio
> indication that something I've done is being worked.  Some clicks from
> the speaker would help in this respect but I don't know that any form of
> Linux offers this feature that can be enabled yet.
> More than that I don't yet know but will find out as I hack through this
> system.
> On Thu, 17 Mar 2016, Daniel Crone wrote:
>> Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2016 09:44:28
>> From: Daniel Crone <quirky.wizard at>
>> To: ubuntu-accessibility at
>> Subject: introduction
>> Hello one and all.
>> My name is Daniel, and I have used different operating systems through
>> the years.
>> I have decided to give ubuntu mate a try.
>> I am very new to linux.
>> Before starting, I welcome anyone?s words of wisdom for a totally
>> blind user, new to linux.
>> I liked the idea of sonar, but I have tried to install several times,
>> and the installer never finished.
>> But that could be due to my machine?s being so old and slow.
>> From the dvd, sonar worked very well.
>> I hope ubuntu will be equally good.
>> So, hats off to all, those on the sonar team, and to all on the ubuntu
>> team.
>> I would really like for all linux accessibility people to benefit each
>> other.
>> --
>> Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list
>> Ubuntu-accessibility at

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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