Brltty question

Tom Masterson kd7cyu at
Wed Aug 24 18:39:22 UTC 2016

I seem to have two copies of brltty running.  From ps -aux command I get:
root      3050  0.2  0.1 333892  7188 ?        D<sl 11:11   0:01 /sbin/brltty -P /run/
root      8689  2.1  0.1 353900  5640 ?        S<sl 11:18   0:02 /sbin/brltty -n -p /var/run/

This seems to be causing great confusion for the OS and causing problems 
with my usb ports.  If I try to kill the one with the -n -p options it 
gets restarted.

Can anyone tell me why this is happening and what I can do about it?


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