Minimal Ubuntu with speech on CD

Glenn / Lenny gervin at
Thu Aug 4 02:31:12 UTC 2016

Hi Milton,
Thanks for the suggestion, but this device will need the BIOS settings 
tweaked for that to work.
I do use USB boot devices a lot, but the screen is not very good, so it is 
even difficult for sighted folk to read it, and then it is the hassle of 
guiding a sighted person around a BIOS that you haven't read yourself.
I typically use Universal USB installer for such things, and I do have a USB 
DVD drive too.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Milton" <milton at>
To: "Glenn / Lenny" <gErvin at>; 
<ubuntu-accessibility at>
Sent: Wednesday, August 03, 2016 1:45 AM
Subject: Re: Minimal Ubuntu with speech on CD

Maybe installing from a usb flash drive or an usb cd/dvd player?

Op 03-08-16 om 02:58 schreef Glenn / Lenny:
> Hi,
> I have a laptop that will boot to CD, but not DVD.
> It used to have XP on it.
> I would like to put either Ubuntu or otherwise, simply Debian.
> I did find a Debian on CD download site, but it was like 8 disks to burn.
> I would like one that can be put on one CD and will talk.
> Otherwise, I could do a network install, if it talked.
> Thanks for any recommendations.
> Glenn

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