installing 16.04 with Orca LibreOffice Calc stops working

Milton milton at
Mon Apr 25 07:46:49 UTC 2016


I installed 16.04 with Orca on a laptop with 2 GB RAM and I notice Orca 
3.18.2. During the installation Orca stops speaking when I had to 
schoose a region. A sighted person cliked on the Next button and after 
that I could finisch the installation successfully.
I also installed the GNOME Metacity and noticed that the notification 
menubar in the top richt corner of the screen is now accessible with 
Orca bij using Control+Alt+Tab and after the Tab and arrow keys.
When using LibreOffice Calc: Orca stops speaking as soon as I insert a 
formula in a cel for example =25+30
At the same time I can work further with Orca using other applications.
I will wait for updates to have the best of Orca and 16.04. Thanks.

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