[orca-list] Heads up, Braille in 16.04.

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Fri Apr 22 11:56:08 UTC 2016

Hi Luke,

Thank you your answer.
If I would like doing a custom live CD with containing custom a11y 
settings, not matter if both enabled the RUN_BRLTTY=yes and BRLTTY 
systemd service? What the better preference way? The Systemd service 
enabling or the RUN_BRLTTY=yes preference in live CD environment?
During live CD boot enough to create in chroot environment a symbolic 
link the /usr/lib/systemd/system/brltty.service file to the 
/etc/systemd/system/sysinit.target.wants directory? I would like default 
enabling this service if this is possible.

My purpose is following:
if the Braille display is attached with USB and I understanding right 
your answer, not need enabling the RUN_BRLTTY=yes preference or the 
Systemd BRLTTY service, because udev detecting the USB braille displays.
But, if the user attaching a serial port or a Bluetooth braille display 
or attaching a serial port braille display with an USB serial dongle and 
the display is configured the user with brltty.conf file, BRLTTY not 
starting automatically if not enabled the RUN_BRLTTY=yes preference or 
the systemd service.
Right my understanding?


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