[orca-list] Heads up, Braille in 16.04.

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Fri Apr 22 06:48:27 UTC 2016

Hi Luke,

In xenial need enabling the /etc/default/brltty file the RUN_BRLTTY=yes 
configuration key after the updated package awailable in Xenial repository?
When need using this setting preference?

What the difference the RUN_BRLTTY=yes configuration setting the 
/etc/default/brltty file and enabled in Systemd the brltty service the 
systemctl enable brltty command result?

I tested your package my Qemu virtual machine my USB Alva Satellite 
braille display.
My system the RUN_BRLTTY=no configuration setting is used, but possible 
because UDEV detecting my USB braille display, BRLTTY right start 


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