gnome shell versus mate

Luke Yelavich themuso at
Mon Apr 4 00:23:28 UTC 2016

On Sat, Apr 02, 2016 at 12:41:20AM AEDT, kendell clark wrote:
> Gnome is great if you don't want to have a customized panel with
> different applets on it. The gnome panel is set and can't be changed
> easily. It requires an extension or gsettings keys to do so.

GNOME shell is quite a lot more extensible than I think a lot of people
give it credit for. It would be possible for applications to ship their
own extensions, and provide UI to enable or disable an icon for their
needs on the panel if they so chose.

It is disappointing that the GNOME folks decided to exclude a UI to work
with extensions from base GNOME, but that doesn't prevent applications
from including settings to show themselves in the shell somewhere via
an extension.


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