blurry view with magnification in Gnome

Alex ARNAUD alexarnaud at
Mon Nov 30 21:06:22 UTC 2015

On 30/11/2015 09:20, Milton wrote:
> Hi Alex,
Hi Milton
> I only use Orca myself but often people ask me for magnification. 
> Because I got no result in Unity and Gnome-flashback-Metacity I use 
> Gnome-shell 3.10.4.
OK, it's a very old version of Gnome that I haven't used. I used Gnome 3 
since Gnome 3.16.
> I do not know the screen level because Orca do not say this. I use the 
> build-in magnifyer, I toggel the zoom, zoom-in en zoom-out through the 
> shortcut keys in Systemsettings > Keyboardsetting. So I did not check 
> the magnification in the compizconfig-setting-manager.
You can install CCSM because the information is provided by 
Accessibility section on Gnome settings panel.
Can you give me more information about users :
- Are there visual impaired ?
- At which zoom level they find it blurry ?

Personally I've a so bad view to find anything blurry.

Best regards.


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