Ubuntu 15.10 dvd and Orca

Milton milton at tomaatnet.nl
Sun Nov 15 19:52:06 UTC 2015

Hi List,

It seems that Orca is indeed working during installation. I could not 
hear Orca speaking so with the help of a sighted person I install 15.10 
and after reboot Orca came up talking in the login screen and also after 
Op 12-11-15 om 14:54 schreef Milton:
> Hi List,
> I downloaded and burn Ubuntu 15.10 on a dvd and did the check with
> md5sum also for the dvd. I started my laptop with the dvd and heard the
> sound of the drums. I press Alt_Super_S for starting Orca but nothing
> happens. I also tried Control_S which works in 14.04 but no Orca. Is
> Orca not included or do I miss something. Thanks.
> Milton

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