accessing c drive with vinux live cd

rodney jackson jackson.rodney.1970 at
Sat May 2 21:57:54 UTC 2015

Your suggestion help a lot, the files I need are currently being  backed up.
Thanks again for the help

-----Original Message-----
From: ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at
[mailto:ubuntu-accessibility-bounces at] On Behalf Of
Christopher Chaltain
Sent: Saturday, May 02, 2015 2:20 PM
To: 'Ubuntu Accessibility'
Subject: Re: accessing c drive with vinux live cd

Bring up Nautilus, which you'll find in your launcher as either home or 
files, go into the View pulldown and the Side bar menu and make sure 
Places is checked. Now you should be able to tab over to the places list 
and find your hard drive.

Sounds like you're using a help page for an older version of Ubuntu. 
Vinux 4 is running Ubuntu 12.04.

On 05/02/2015 01:54 PM, rodney jackson wrote:
> I am trying to pull data off a dell mini that has windows xp
> So I booted up computer using vinux 4.0 live cd
> Hit alt F10 went to accessories' and went to disk utility
> Which I saw the 160gb hard disk and tabbed to mount
>   But now I can not figure out how to access the files.
> Was  there something else I was suppose to do
> I am stil fairly new at this
> When I google it it tells me to click on places, but can not find that
> Any help would be appreciated

Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at Gmail

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