how to get Orca to speak in lightdm

Bill Taylor billtlr18 at
Tue Apr 28 11:34:32 UTC 2015

Hi Milton,

On my trusty 14.04.2 in settings/universal access/
screen reader it says "turn on or off: alt + super + s"
and I think was in use on earlier 14.04 .

hope this helps,


On 28/04/15 16:30, Milton wrote:
> In lightdm I use ctrl_S to start Orca to speak. But now it won't work. a
> sighted person told me that there is only one account shown in the login
> screen. so I think it is not lightdm. In the software Centre I delete
> the Lubuntu-desktop but I still stay with another dm.
> Milton
> Op 28-04-15 om 05:39 schreef B. Henry:
>> It is once logged in for sure, but I thought it was different on
>> log-in screen, aI may be wrong though, but now that I hear the lu
>> instead of ubuntu I'm
>> wondering if lightdm is even used .
>> LXDM does not speak as far as I know, but perhaps it is not used.

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