Looking for a talking ARM image

Lenny gervin at cableone.net
Tue Jan 14 01:45:24 UTC 2014

Hi Luke,
The MK802 is the predecessor to Google Chrome I believe.
It has a GB of RAM and a processor and storage that rivals smart phones.
It has Android running on it, and it has an HDMI port, a USB port, a mini 
USB port for accessing it from a computer, and a micro SD slot which I have 
been trying to boot to, I'm not sure if I have booted to anything but the 
There is no accessibility in the Android 4.2 settings, so even though I had 
someone install TalkBack, it does not talk.
But the miniand image may or may not be booting up.  That is supposed to be 
using Ubuntu ARM.
This thing is about the size of a flip-phone that is opened up flat.
It is in a plastic housing, so it is not like the Raspberry PI.
It has WIFI built-in too.
----- Original Message ----- Message: 1
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2014 09:14:02 +1100
From: Luke Yelavich <themuso at ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Re: Looking for a talking ARM image
Message-ID: <20140112221402.GA5343 at acapella>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

On Sun, Jan 12, 2014 at 11:45:25AM EST, Lenny wrote:
> Hi All,
> Is there a  talking Ubuntu, or talking Arch for the ARM platform?
> I have an MK802 and I tried the RPI version of Arch, but it did not come 
> up
> talking.

Mind elaborating exactly what hardware this is? Is it a tablet, or some 
other development board?



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