Ubuntu Gnome and Wubi install: is it possible?

Sergei V. Fleytin fleytin at yandex.ru
Sat Apr 19 08:38:29 UTC 2014

Hello, everyone,

Just wanted to try new release of Ubuntu Gnome. I usually try ubuntu via 
wubi install since I want to avoid repartitioning my hard disk and I 
hate performance degradation caused by using virtual machines. However, 
it seems that installation of Ubuntu Gnome via Wubi is not possible. I 
downloaded the Ubuntu Gnome iso and try running wubi from it, but it 
does not have Ubutnu Gnome listed as a possible variant. And whatever I 
choose it starts downloading another iso from the internet. When I take 
the wubi executable and put it near the iso image I downloaded in the 
same folder, nothing changes.

So, if it at all possible to make installing Ubuntu Gnome via Wubi, any 
help would be more than appreciated.

P.S. my question may sound off topic for this list, but one of the 
reason I use wubi is a possibility tu turn on braille support before 
installing the system.

With best regards,


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