13.10 problems

Krishnakant Mane krmane at gmail.com
Mon Oct 21 13:58:55 UTC 2013

This time around when 13.10 came out, I was a bit more hopefull that 
this will be a fine precursor to the next lts release which will have 
wonderful progress since 12.04.
But Now my worries are getting more and more grave as to how long will 
we have to stay with 12.04 as the most accessible distro of Ubuntu?
People like me can still use Arch, because we understand some 
commandline stuff and fix things here and there.
But what about absolute end users?
For them some thing like Ubuntu perfectly fits the bill.
I only hope we have a sharp turn around and 14.04 LTS comes out with 
great accessibility.
Happy hacking.

On 10/21/2013 07:18 PM, chad baker wrote:
> hi i'm new to linux just grabbed ubuntu 13.10
> i'm finding the installer not accessible at all
> is there a trick i know in 12.04 it was a lot better
> i had a sighted person help me install 13.10 but when logging i got no speech
> i had it at the login
> i have a e machines 2 gb of ram desktop and its 64 bit
> thanks

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