Ubuntu and a screenreader
Robert Cole
rkcole72984 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 18 03:44:51 UTC 2013
Hello, Tapper.
From my understanding, due to limited resources and so forth, the focus
of making Ubuntu accessible will be geared mainly toward Long-Term
Support (LTS) releases. Ubuntu's next LTS release will be Ubuntu 14.04,
likely to be released in April 2014. If you are wanting to stick with
Ubuntu, you may want to look into Ubuntu GNOME [1]. From what I saw on
their blog post just now, though, they are sticking with GNOME 3.8,
which *may* mean that the latest accessibility improvements and features
in Orca, in magnification, and in other areas may not be up-to-date
seeing as how GNOME 3.10 has had a lot of improvements in these areas.
While it is not Ubuntu, folks over at the Sonar Project [2] are
preparinjg to release an accessible GNOME-based rolling release
distribution which is based off of Manajro LInux, a derivative of Arch
Linux. If you are nto familiar with rolling release distributins, it
simply means that, in theory, you can install it and leave it. the
updates and improvements simply "roll" in as they become available. No
more upgrading every six months. If you are at all interested in this
project, please consider joining the AccessibleFreedom Support mailing
list [3].
While I sincerely miss Ubuntu, I have had to move on. I have used Fedora
for almost two years now, but I am excitedly awaiting the new Sonar
release. I tried a test image on a live USB flash drive system, and it
simply excelled in performance!
I am sorry that I cannot be of more help to you.
[1] http://ubuntugnome.org/
[2] http://sonargnulinux.com/
On 10/17/2013 05:29 PM, tapper wrote:
> hi what's going on with the new Ubuntu: can i as a blind computer
> user install it with speech. are you going to update the wiki or even
> do a blog post about it. i will be very happy if you can get back to
> me and let me no as win 8 is a pile! thanks Tapper
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