I have a real show stopper here

José Vilmar Estácio de Souza vilmar at informal.com.br
Tue Oct 1 14:33:14 UTC 2013

Hi, what version of ubuntu?
I think that in ubuntu 13.10, the shortcut to start orca is somethin 
like super+s, super+ctrl+s or super+alt+s, I am not sure exactly the 
correct combination.

On 10/01/2013 11:03 AM, eric oyen wrote:
> Hello everyone.
> I have a real show stopper here. I can't seem to get orca to start up from the installer dvd. I tried control-s right at boot and nothing. the documentation doesn't seem to suggest any other way to do this.
> is there another way?
> I really would like to have an operational linux machine here.
> I have tried Vinux, but there isn't a lot of available software other than a few paltry apps and the gnome desktop.
> I need this working.
> eric

{}S José Vilmar Estácio de Souza

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