free educational materials (was Re: What happened with Firefox 25?)

Kyle kyle4jesus at
Sat Nov 2 14:44:10 UTC 2013

I hadn't yet looked at any educational sites other than Saylor. I
noticed immediately that they have nearly complete fields of study, and
that enrollment is fully open; courses can be taken at any time. In
fact, enrollment in a course is only required in order to take a final
exam. I also like their free as in freedom philosophy. I understand that
they aren't able to adhere to it 100% of the time, but they do adhere to
it wherever possible. They also seem to use mostly open standards, with
the possible exception of PDF, which I have been told is considered to
be an open standard these days, even though Adobe still controls the
format as far as I knoe. I am able to read the files for the most part,
but some still have some layout issues that are making them difficult to
read. Everything related to the website appears to be fullly accessible
to Orca using Firefox, although I haven't yet tried taking a final exam.
Much of the website is powered by WordPress, and the EPortfolio that
keeps track of enrolled and completed corses I believe is using Moodle.
Some of the course materials may be available in WikiBooks, so I'll try
that as an option as well.

I plan to also at least take a look at EDX and Coursera, which also
sound like good places to get a free or otherwise much more affordable
college education. None of them offer free degree programs, but most
sites like these appear to have a way to "upgrade" to a degree or
certificate for a very low price compared to the price of a degree or
certificate program at a university.
"Kyle? ... She calls her cake, Kyle?"
Out of This World, season 2 episode 21 - "The Amazing Evie"

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