Podcast on Vinux 4.0 - an interview with Rob Whyte

Peter torpey ptorpey at rochester.rr.com
Sat Jun 1 12:32:38 UTC 2013

Listen to an interview with Rob Whyte about the new Vinux release on Eyes On
Success, a half hour weekly radio show / podcast which covers a wide variety
of topics of interest to the visually impaired.  Below are links to the show
and associated show notes as well as links to the web page where you can
learn more about Eyes On Success, subscribe to the podcast, and join our
listener forum.


1322 Vinux 4.0 (May 29, 2013)
Show Notes <http://www.eyesonsuccess.net/show_notes_1322.htm> 
Vinux is a version of the Linux operating system that has been optimized for
the needs of blind and low vision users. Vinux provides two screen-readers,
screen magnification, many other features and support for USB Braille
displays. Join hosts Nancy and Peter Torpey as they speak with Rob Whyte of
the Vinux project about what's new in their latest release, Vinux 4.0 . 

FYI we also did an episode a while back which featured the original
developers of Vinux.  Below are the links and a brief description for that


1136 9-7-2011 Vinux - accessible operating system
Show Notes <http://www.eyesonsuccess.net/show_notes_1136.htm> 
Hosts Peter Torpey and Nancy Goodman Torpey devote this entire show to
Vinux, a fully accessible and easy to use computer operating system. Besides
describing how it works, they interview two of its creators and explain how
you can get involved in follow-on improvements, updates and upgrades. 


Check out Eyes On Success (formerly ViewPoints)

A weekly, half hour audio program for people living with low vision

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        <http://www.eyesonsuccess.net/> www.EyesOnSuccess.net

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