
bando?ers burt1iband at
Thu May 10 09:50:03 UTC 2012

The most all around powerful now is TTYtter, but it is commandline only. It runs nicely from a gnome terminal, and there are sound packs, and several extensions for it. 
For an easy to use GUI access to twitter try the pidgin microblogging plug-in. I don't know if this comes by default when you install pidgin these days or not, but go to the pidgin site, click on the plug-ins link and you will find it there. There was, probably still is an old twitter plug-in as well, but it doesn' work with the current auth system used by twitter. 
When you have the plug-in installed go to the plugins menu and it will be called something like twitgen. Make sure it's enabled, and accept all of its capibilities.
It won't follow, unfollow,or even directly DM someone,but you can click on urls, favorite a tweet, and rt very easily and tweets can be read as than come in. You can of course just write a standard tweet yourself as well. 
TTYtter can do much more, but it requires more typing, and more initial configuration. 
There are .deb packages for pnew versions of ttytter in the Vinux repos, as well as a very useful helper package. Pidgin is in standard Ubuntu repos, but some plugins must be downloaded from the web, or installed from third party repos. 

There's also a program called twidge, but I';'ve not heard so much about it. 
I regularly use both ttytter and the pidgin microblogger plugin, so if you get stuck some where I can likely help you if you get a hold of me off list. 
There was a ttytter version in standard Ubuntu repos I heard, but I think it was not so new, and this is one little program worth keeping updated. 
When twitter changed there authorization system a year and a half ago the accessible GUI twitter aps broke never to be fixed as far as I know, and they were not very good anyway. 

On Thu, May 10, 2012 at 11:27:44AM +0200, Tony Bernedal wrote:
> Hi all.
> What twitter clients is accessible out there and wich can you recommend?
> I tried gwibber but it's feels not so accessible to me. a lot of
> unlabeled buttons for example.
> I red somewhere about twitux but it looks like it's no longer
> developed. Even ttytter is a alternative if there is no alternative
> for the graphical interface.
> All The best
> Regards Tony
> -- 
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