[orca-list] Shortcuts got disabled in Unity-2d on installing latest update

Christopher Chaltain chaltain at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 13:52:05 UTC 2012

I'll forward this to the Ubuntu Accessibility list. The Ubuntu
Accessibility list is a pretty low traffic list, so I'd encourage people
to join that list and discuss Ubuntu specific accessibility issues there
as well as on this list.

Ubuntu-accessibility at lists.ubuntu.com

On 28/03/12 07:25, hackingKK wrote:
> This is very sad and serious at the same time.
> Some one should urgently update the Ubuntu guys.
> I think Luke is on this list as well and he has rescued us many times
> from such issues.
> Unless they have decided that this is going to be final due to what ever
> reasons, this disabling of shortcuts must be reverced in any case.
> Happy hacking.
> Krishnakant.
> On 28/03/12 16:29, Andy B. wrote:
>> I did an update sometime yesterday. It included an update to Unity-2d 5.0.x.
>> After the update, it started acting exactly like Unity-3d. I couldn't figure
>> out what happened until I looked at the shortcuts. The only shortcuts
>> enabled now are the ones in the general list; mail, browser, help, home
>> folder, and there might be a few more. Otherwise the entire list is
>> disabled. Why do they do this to us? J (grin). Any way of getting a bug
>> report in for something like this?
>> I also want to report the menubar not being accessable. How do you do that?
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Christopher (CJ)
chaltain at gmail.com

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