If com.canonical.indicator.datetime show-calendar key value is true, keyboard focus grab when the caret lands the Date indicator second menu item

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Sat Mar 24 08:39:45 UTC 2012


Hopefuly following information not too later sharing:
If the com.canonical.indicator.datetime show-calendar value is true, 
after the caret lands in the Date indicator second unlabelled menu item, 
keyboard focus is grabbed.
I don't no visualy the caret moving up or not, but Orca keyboard 
commands entire locked until I not clicking flat review for example a 
separator, or not clicking braille display the first cursor routing cell 
to resume indicator menus.
Reproducation steps:
1. Present indicators, and move the date time indicator.
2. Pull down the indicator menu, and move arrow keys. After you hear a 
silent menu item (factory configuration settings this is the second 
awailable menu item), Orca keyboard commands are not work, not possible 
to switch another window, etc.

If I run gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime show-calendar 
false command, all awailable date indicator menu items are accessible 
with keyboard, and Orca wonderful spokening all awailable menu items.
Default the date and time indicator two awailable accessible menu items 
presenting, actual date, time and date settings menu items.
The true value is the default value the showing calendar setting, but 
this menu item now not have an accessible label or description.

Luke, your openion what the better way fix in Precise?
1. Report this problem temporary with Casper package, and making a patch 
to setting the wrote value with false in blindness profiles? 
Unfortunately calendar menu item we not showing now important 
informations, because if screen reader users browsing for example the 
screen with Orca flat review commands, Orca spokening only "menu item" 
text the calendar related menu item.
This modification temporary hide this keyboard focus grabbing related 
problem, and date time indicator will be full usable with screen reader.

2. Report this problem with indicator-datetime package, and associate 
accessible description the required informations the calendar related 
menu item?
For example, a default Ubuntu screen reader installation what the 
purpose this calendar menu item?
Possible associate events, meetings if any user using this now 
inaccessible menu item?


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