problems to access the network manager

Paul Hunt paul-leics at
Fri Jan 27 18:29:28 UTC 2012


Strangely, the items in the network menu in Unity-2D are brailled but 
not spoken.

They are spoken if Unity-3D is being used.

You should find that the top item in the menu is "edit connections" 
which is I think what you want.


On 27/01/12 14:25, José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:
> Hi all.
> Running ubuntu 11.10, how can I access the network manager?
> I press the f10 key and use left and right arrows to locate the menu 
> related to network. After I find the menu, I press down and up but 
> nothing is read by orca.
> Any help would be appreciate.
> Thanks.

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