[ubuntu-us-ma] Slow startup of Rythmbox in 11.10, when Music folder populated and Orca screen reader used

Martin Owens doctormo at gmail.com
Sat Jan 7 01:47:44 UTC 2012

I just ran rhythembox in debug mode, that took about 5 minutes to load.

Obviously something is happening that shouldn't be happening. I wonder
if it's saving your music collection to disk correctly on close.


On Fri, 2012-01-06 at 18:38 -0500, Dave Hunt wrote:
> Not sure what I did; Rhythmbox used to open within 30 seconds.  While 
> this thing is opening and doing whatever it does, the x session is 
> unusable and the machine's fan races.  Banshee imported these tunes 
> within a minute. 

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