Ubuntu server 12.04 and speakup

Bill Taylor billtlr18 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 19 22:41:40 UTC 2012

On 08/20/2012 07:36 AM, Greg Wocher wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am new to the list here.  I have been running Vinux in a VM 
> environment.  I am taking a networking class at college now and I need 
> to install ubuntu server for part of the class.  How do I get speakup 
> installed and running in ubuntu server 12.04?  Ihave been looking on 
> google but I can't seem to find anything.  I am just not sure what to 
> be looking for
> Thank you,
> Greg Wocher
Hi Greg
the server and GUI  versions of 13.04 run the same kernel, with speakup 

To get speech in precise-server (AFTER INSTALL) you need to install 
alsa-utils  first

         sudo apt-get install alsa-utils
         alsamixer            #so you can turn on sound .
                                      #you need OO under each slider
                                    # change by hitting "m".  "mm" (for 
Mute) is the
                                     #only alternative to "OO"

         sudo apt-get install espeakup -y
         modprobe speakup_soft start=1
         sh /etc/init.d/espeakup start

I find that I have to start speech manually each time, so to fix that 
use tour favourite editor (nano in my case)

          sudo nano /etc/modules         #add the line

         speakup_soft start=1

#save and restart . It should come up talking.

Installing precise - server will need sighted assisance. I have done 
many installs and reinstalls in an attempt to come up with documentation 
that could step VIP's through it, but there are many alternatives, 
depending on previous choices.
I was hoping that accepting defaults would work, using the entire hard 
drive, then patching time zone, host name , Keyboard and so on once 
speech was running.
I have assisted one person , speaking on mangler, and him sending me 
photo's of his screen via Dropbox. (We do have a common folder)

Speech for the install would be handy, there are a few users working on 
it, but no joy yet.
maybe one day someone with some knowledge will have time to have a look.

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