ubuntu 12.04 release version - my impressions

Vojtěch Polášek krecoun at gmail.com
Sun Apr 29 14:34:00 UTC 2012

I have successfully downloaded and installed 12.04 final release.
I have installed latest orca from git (gnome-3-4 branch) and
at-spi2-core (gnome-3-4 branch). This solved my problem with libreoffice
reading current line twice.
I am quite satisfied, except for several things, I hope they will be solved.
Orca still doesn't work with threading in thunderbird. It doesn't
refresh list in a right way, and it causes confusion. Is therre any bug
for this?
And I have a problem - I can't set orca to use higher speeds of espeak.
I have copied speechd.conf from vinux 3.1 machine, where it works into
.speech-dispatcher/conf/speechd.conf and there is no difference.
HUD is not speaking, but I don't mind, at least for now.
And it seems, that in Thunderbird, shortcuts like o and p doesn't work
correctly. I am using thunderbrowse for viewing RSS feeds and it behaves
Can you please help me with these problems?
I heart that there is some additional repository or ubuntu accessibility
related stuff - but it was probably for unity 3d. I am using unity 2d
and I am satisfied.
I will post more.
Thank you,

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