Light DM was muted

Sergei V. Fleytin fleytin at
Sat Apr 28 06:52:29 UTC 2012

Hi Dave, and others,

28.04.2012 06:25, Dave Hunt пишет:
> Hi,
> You may have heard, in past few days, of my troubles with light dm and
> orca? Turns out, it was muted. I'm wondering how to prevent a recurrence
> of this?

I have the same problem, actually, on one of my system. But as a braille 
user I noticed, that orca actually starts on login screen, but only 
braille output is working. If you do need speech, you may use the 
following "dirty hack": press insert+space to invoke orca parameters 
dialog. Actually it won't launch, but, at least, you will get speech 
back temporarily.



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