discovered that calc is not as good with orca during data entry
Dave Hunt
ka1cey at
Wed Apr 11 20:33:08 UTC 2012
+1 for the Libreoffice quick starter! I'm not sure whether this helps,
but, I happen to be using orca, pulled from Master this morning; I think
it's 3.5.1pre. Using 'orca+r' for 'row header' and 'orca+a' for 'read
focused cell', work great! I seem to have calc working as well as it
did under Trisquel 5.5, after I updated Office to 3.5, and Orca to 3.3.4.
On 04/11/2012 02:38 PM, krishnakant Mane wrote:
> Hello and thanks to Attila, Dave Andy etc.
> Sure enough, after having the quickstart checked as instructed I have
> all office softwares like calc loading faster.
> But I am afraid, nothing more has come out from this change.
> The problems of row header not getting set with capslok +r still
> persists along with all the problems I reported.
> I have 12.04 updated till date so that can't be the reason.
> Should I also update my Orca version?
> it is currently at 3.4.0
> happy hacking.
> Krishnakant.
> On 11/04/2012, Dave Hunt<ka1cey at> wrote:
>> 'tools->options->memory', in any Libreoffice app, to enable the quick
>> start. When that's done, restart system. I think you will like the
>> improved responsiveness, over-all, and the renewed usability of Calc.
>> Cheers,
>> Dave
>> On 04/11/2012 11:44 AM, krishnakant Mane wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> Can some one tell me where is the preferences dialog in libre office
>>> calc (or any office software ) and which tab has the quickstart
>>> option?
>>> Happy hacking.
>>> Krishnakant.
>>> On 11/04/2012, Hammer Attila<hammera at> wrote:
>>>> Hy Krisnakant,
>>>> This is a timing issue I think with at-spi2 and Orca related, some time
>>>> Orca not loading right scripts for some apps with first start. This
>>>> situation forexample not loaded right the Soffice script when you
>>>> launched with the Libreoffice Calc application, and want handling the
>>>> default Orca script the events.
>>>> The cell coordinates related problem is I think following bug, I
>>>> reported earlier:
>>>> Have an another issue with Orca/Libreoffice Writer, this is a timing
>>>> issue too I think:
>>>> Some time Orca all text caret movement spokening text field related
>>>> tutorial message, this is following bug with not fixed yet:
>>>> I have got following experiences:
>>>> If I enabling the Libreoffice quick start function in Libreoffice
>>>> preferences/memory page, this problems are doesn't happening my machine,
>>>> and Libreoffice apps start more faster. If your machine have for example
>>>> 1 GB of ram, feel free use this possibility.
>>>> If you don't want this, for example calc try you uncheck the formula
>>>> toolbar menu item in view menu. This change resulting you hopefuly will
>>>> be hear cell coordinates, and doesn't presenting type text frame role
>>>> when you typing the cells.
>>>> If this is not help with first Libreoffice Calc start, simple restart
>>>> Orca, and cell coordinates are right spokened, my machine this is always
>>>> resolve the calc related problem.
>>>> I tested now dinamic row header function, works good.
>>>> I simple fill the first row with wanted column headers, and pressed Orca
>>>> modifier+r keystroke.
>>>> After this, I moving between cells the second row, and typed some
>>>> contents. When I move the prewious or next cell, Orca right spokened the
>>>> proper column header.
>>>> Possible you not working this function because when you tryed happened
>>>> your machine this timing issue related bug.
>>>> Attila
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