Orca running twice

Tom Masterson kd7cyu at gmail.com
Mon Apr 2 15:20:04 UTC 2012

Sorry I was in a hurry and probably left out important information.  This 
is on a sys running 11.10 using unit-2d and an older dell laptop.  It is 
not a new install but I did attempt to rebuild the desktop environment by 
removing ubuntu-desktop and reinstalling it after removing what I knew of 
the configuration files that might be left behind.


On Mon, 2 Apr 2012, Peter Vágner wrote:

> Hello,
> I was able to get more instances of orca running by pressing and holding down ctrl+s shortcut key while booting live cd after hearing the drums sound.
> Might this be related?
> Greetings
> Peter
> Dňa 2.4.2012, o 15:41, Tom Masterson <kd7cyu at gmail.com> napísal:
>> I more or less have the Ubuntu desktop coming up although nautilus does not seem to be stable.  For some reason when it starts there are two copies of orca being run.  Can someone point me to where to start looking to see why this is happening?
>> Tom
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