lots of things working great with the April 1St daily build

Krishnakant Mane krmane at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 17:04:19 UTC 2012

Hello all.
I Just downloaded the daily build of Ubuntu 12.04.
The iso is dated 1 April and I downloaded it at 6 in the evening Indian 
time (gmt + 5.3).
I am pleased to give my feedback hoping that this is taken as a serious 
compliment to the Ubuntu accessibility team, so that they keep this 
This is really good work indeed.
I get my top panel menu working fantastically accessible.
in Unity 2d I hear orca nicely respond on the - launcher and also with 
the menu which one gets by pressing alt + f1 and f10.

Firefox updates are as good as they were before things were broken for a 
few days.
Please keep it this way and keep up the great work.
Right now the only problem I see is that a few times Orca did not 
respond quickly for the alt + f10 menu, and on a couple of occasions it 
did not speak at all.
I log out and log back in and all becomes well with orca responding 
I don't feel this might be an Orca issue although I am not totally sure 
on that.
The Orca team really has been much more consistent than any other foss 
team I have worked with before.
Happy hacking.

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