I experience very positive results with new QT Accessibility Bridge related with Skype

Hammer Attila hammera at pickup.hu
Fri Sep 23 07:04:43 UTC 2011


I sending this letter both this list and Orca list.
I looked how works new QT accessibility bridge for example with Skype, 
and I experienced very positive results and good progress, thank you 
everybody hard work with working QT accessibility. I using Orca Screen 
reader, and don't have sighted assistance when I tested Skype with the 
new QT accessibility bridge, so if I determining wrong a Skype dialog 
control or test result, excuse me everybody.

First, I installed with Canonical Oneiric partner repository awailable 
Skype package (2.2.0-35-0-Oneiric1) my Oneiric testing system.
Because this version unfortunately now crashed when I try log in, I 
installed the Natty partner repository awailable Skype package version.
Unfortunately, when I try reporting the Oneiric version produced crash 
(core is created), Apport says this package is not original package.

Look what happened if I start the Natty awailable Skype version.
First, presenting the login screen, with I see a combo box, an edit box, 
a checkbox, an unlabelled button and a sign in button, Orca wonderful 
read every control label with login dialog. The combobox control real 
possible writing my Skype username, Backspace delete echoing now yet not 
working, but this is now not matter.
After I logged in succesfuly, I see my contacts I think with a table 
when I tabbed the contacts area. Orca default table reading preference 
(row reading) doesn't spokening right yet the actual highligted contact 
name, so I turn table reading with actual cell. After this, Orca 
wonderful spokening highlighted contact and presenting braille the 
highlighted contacts related informations.
Every selected contact related task possible choose if I activating 
context menue with general method.

I experienced a very interesting problem when I try make a call with a 
selected contact:
First, I verify Orca where am I command what the selected contact with I 
would like call. Because Orca tells me the contact is correct, I choosed 
the context menue with start call menu item. I don't no why, but Skype I 
think want call an other contact, or Orca spokening different contact 
name with Skype want calling, I am not full sure this result without 
sighted assistance. I using only Up or Down arrow keys when selected a 
want calling contact.
Temporary workaround I possible call wanted contact if I press my 
contact name beginning letter, and after this I choosed the start cal 
menu item with the context menue.

If anybody want customizing Skype related preferences, this is possible 
if tabbing the Main Menu button, and activating the SPACE key. In Skype 
the general F10 main menu opening key command doesn't working. In main 
menu need choosing Options menu item.
In options dialog the preference sections possible accessible if anybody 
using UP or DOWN arrow keys. Have some combo boxes the options dialog 
with Orca not possible provide accessibility informations yet.
I possible full customize my important Skype settings, possible doing a 
test call to verify my microphone to work, etc.
Now, entire Skype window Orca flat review commands doesn't provide 
informations, possible this problem is will be not happening with other 
QT toolkit based applications.

If anybody want customizing with Orca related preferences for Skype with 
Orca application-settings preference dialog, this is possible, but Orca 
will create a None.py file in the .local/share/orca/app-settings 
directory. This is happening I think because Skype doesn't provide 
appname related information for Orca. .

So, my experiences is very positive. I newer see for Skype for Linux UI 
interface, and very wayt this time when possible using Skype only with 
Orca without extra plugins for example with Pidgin. If this type 
problems possible fixing with next LTS release, we don't need for 
example with Skype4pidgin plugin to access Skype contacts and making 
Skype calls.

I would like thank you all developers hard work with contributing this 
new accessible bridge development.
Hopefuly my test results help the developers work with future,


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