Proposal: DBus activation of Accessibility

UndiFineD undifined at
Wed May 18 15:05:23 UTC 2011

Currently in Ubuntu Natty 11.04, Dbus in compiz does not work perfectly.
might be better in Ubuntu Classic.

2011/5/17 Matthias Clasen <matthias.clasen at>:
> On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 5:29 PM, Frederik Gladhorn <gladhorn at> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> sorry for cross-posting. I would just like to have this looked at by everyone
>> so we can simply implement it.
>> During the ATK/AT-SPI hackfest it came up a few times that we have no solution
>> to enable accessibility (eg Screen Readers) on the fly. The conclusion was that
>> using DBus would fit everyones needs and make it easy for third partys to
>> adapt.
>> Proposal: DBus activation of Accessibility
> I'm not sure how things work on the KDE side, but for GTK+ based
> applications, this does not really solve the problem. Since GTK+ a11y
> implementation lives in a module that needs to be loaded by all
> applications before a11y tools talk to it. We can load the module at
> runtime, but at that time widgets may already have instantiated no-op
> a11y implementations.
> --
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> Ubuntu-accessibility at

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Keimpe de Jong

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