Trouble with Pidgin-skype plugin in Natty

Dave Hunt ka1cey at
Mon May 16 22:34:04 UTC 2011

Hi, all!

I recently upgraded to Natty and installed Skype, Pidgin, and the 
subject plugin, all from the official repositories.  I am able to make 
Skype calls and, sometimes, be heard.  When my recipient picks up, I 
also get a dialogue asking me to accept or reject, as if the call were 
in-coming.  When someone tries calling me, I get the ring and in-coming 
call dialogue.  When I choose "accept", the call does not get answered.  
In an exchange of Skype text messages, I can see my messages in the 
conversation window, but not those from the other party.  Is there 
something I haven't set up right?  This arrangement works in all Ubuntu 
versions up to and including Maverick.  I cannot access Skype without 
this protocol plugin, since Orca screen reader does not work with QT4 

Thanks for any help,

Dave  Hunt

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