
Mackenzie Morgan macoafi at gmail.com
Fri May 13 21:54:26 UTC 2011

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 5:05 PM, Martin McCormick
<martin at dc.cis.okstate.edu> wrote:
>        I am the one who posted several messages some weeks ago
> with the Dell Pentium 4 of 2004 vintage that has no sound what
> so ever with ubuntu10 or 11 even though the bootup process
> appears to find the sound card.
>        What I am curious about is what has changed in these
> later versions that makes this otherwise rather normal computer
> mute in the later versions of ubuntu?

Did it work with prior versions of Ubuntu?  Could you give a link to
the output of running this script:
 (note it must be run with bash, not plain sh).  This could be a
driver problem.

Mackenzie Morgan

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