Build a speech generating device

Frederik Elwert frederik.elwert at
Sat Jul 30 14:49:54 UTC 2011

Hi Justin,

(I’m cc’ing the lists, as this might be valuable information for others.
Hope that’s okay.)

Am Samstag, den 30.07.2011, 09:50 -0400 schrieb Justin Duperre:
> Hi Frederik - I briefly worked on GNOME Caribou for a senior project
> in college. I am not sure of the state of presage integration, but
> what I can tell you is that a lot of work has been done on Caribou
> lately. In the past six months there have been major contributions to
> the code. It would definitely be a good choice for your project as the
> team is very active.

Yes, I also saw that in the course of GNOME 3 Caribou got a lot of
attention. Since I couldn’t find an official release, I was just
wondering how far this is from completion, so that one can actually
start using it, and if word prediction was just an experiment or part of
the recent development efforts.

> I have also used Dasher, and I agree with everything you said about
> it.

I think both cover slightly different usage scenarios, so it’d be great
to have both available.

> Are you planning on making this a public open source project?

Currently, I’m only doing a bit of research. My primary aim is to use
existing and stable software. But the parts I might end up writing
myself will be open source. I think primarily of an improved gespeaker,
or a new speechd frontend. (Having OpenMary support in speechd will
probably make things much easier.)

Besides actually writing code, I am planning to document the project, so
that others can benefit from my findings and experience.


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