Trying to get started

Antony Stone Antony.Stone at
Wed Aug 3 15:56:28 UTC 2011

On Wednesday 03 Aug 2011 15:41:05 José Vilmar Estácio de Souza wrote:

> Hi.
> I think that ubuntu 11.04 is not the better choice.
> First there is the problem related to the CapsLock ke. Yes, it is a bug.

Aha, good to know.

> Ubuntu 11.04 uses unity as the default interface and I think that there
> are problems regarding accessibility.

Is this something which can be changed in Ubuntu?  You say it is the "default" 
interface, which suggests to me that we could use a different one if we wished?

> In myopinion you should try ubuntu 10.10 or try vinux,

Thanks - does 10.10 have a similarly up-to-date version of Orca (which we have 
been told is very important for getting the best functionality - older 
versions are distinctly lacking in working features)?



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