Installing ubuntu natty without eyes

UndiFineD undifined at
Fri Apr 15 16:52:54 UTC 2011

2011/4/15 Jim Campbell <jwcampbell at>:
> Hi Mattias,
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 2:45 AM, mattias <mj at> wrote:
>> yes but how to change it because orca not running on login screen
> I'm sorry, I'm not as familiar with the accessibility tools. I just joined
> to make sure that I learned about these tools.
> Hopefully someone else will be able to be of more help with this.
> Jim

No I am sorry Jim, this is one of the issues unresolved
Which for natty seems even worse
As suggested on #ayatana the login screen needs work,
with accessible tools availability like orca, onboard
and others that need to be available there
like fingerprint login of face recognition

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Keimpe de Jong

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