Ubuntu redesign

Inayaili Leon inayaili.de.leon at canonical.com
Mon Apr 11 11:06:59 UTC 2011

Hi all,

As you might have heard, we are redesigning some sections of the ubuntu.com website and we'd like to listen to your concerns and suggestions regarding what is currently implemented and also about what we have planned.

I will be on the #ubuntu-accessibility channel today at 2.30pm BST for about an hour, so I can show you some designs and listen to your feedback. We'll take all of your comments into consideration, but we may not be able to implement all of them, at least for now. It would be great if you could be there.

Also, as you might have guessed, we'd appreciate it if you didn't blog about or post any kind of comments to the "outside world" on it, as this is still work in progress and will only be made live by the next release.


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